4.1. Understanding the Organization and Its Context |
When determining the boundaries of the scope of the QMS by Loran, internal and external issues are considered with their positive and negative results. As a result of continuously developing approach, Loran Aerospace regularly reviews and analyzes its key aspects to determine the strategic direction of the company.
Loran Aerospace evaluates Internal (strengths and weaknesses) and External (opportunities and threats) issues in the SWOT Analysis table.
ANNEX Annex 3: SWOT Analysis Table
The reason why SWOT analysis is used by Loran Aerospace SWOT analysis allows us to see the internal strengths and weaknesses, and to start thinking about external opportunities and threats that may affect the performance of our QMS. At the same time, SWOT Analysis allows us to discover the differences between Loran and its competitors. |
Those that present risks and/or opportunities are initially addressed by top management, recorded on the Risk Register in ERP system and then monitored through the Risk Register in ERP and Management Review meetings.
4.2. Understanding the Needs and Expectations of Interested Parties |
Who is the Interested Party?
The companies who buy the products from Loran, or the companies who supply the products to Loran, or any parties which have in a relationship with Loran Aerospace.
Information and documents containing interested parties are used by top management to determine the strategic direction of the company. This is defined in the Management Review Meeting and is updated periodically as conditions and situations change.
ANNEX Annex 4: Interested Parties and Relevant Requirements Table
This requires an understanding of internal and external issues concerning Loran. Loran Aerospace are defined the interested parties in the documents listed below:
- Quotation,
- Proforma Invoice (Invoice),
- Purchase Order,
- Quality Control Forms,
- End User Statement,
- Inventory-In Voucher,
- Inventory-Out Voucher,
- Package Slip includes CofC,
- Claim and Support requests if applicable,
- Corrective Action if applicable,
- Return Material Authorization if applicable,
- Non-Conformity Form if applicable,
4.3. Scope of Loran Quality Management System |
- When determining the boundaries of the scope of the QMS by Loran, the following significant factors are considered:
- Internal Issues,
- External Issues,
- Interested Parties,
- Requirements of the Interested Parties,
- Products available from Loran:
Loran Business Scope: Distribution of Aerospace Hardware and Components for Commercial Platforms.
Products whose Procure and Sale Are Excluded from Loran Scope
Removed Sections from the Online QM Version |
Excluded Articles – Excluded Capabilities: |
4.4. Quality Management System and Its Processes |
Loran Aerospace has established, documented and implemented a Quality Management System (QMS) in accordance with ISO 9001: 2015 International standards and SAE AS9120 Rev.B requirements. Loran quality management system also meets customer, legal and regulatory quality management system requirements.
Loran Aerospace maintained and continuously improved the Quality Management System through quality policy, quality targets, audit results, data analysis, corrective and preventive action and review of management.
Loran Aerospace has adopted a Process Approach for its management system. Loran identifies the top-level processes and then manages each of them confidentially; this reduces the potential of unsuitable products or services discovered during final processes or post-delivery. Non-conformances and risks are identified in real time by actions taken in each of the top-level processes.
Loran Aerospace has been identified the following process as the Top-Level Processes:
- Quality Management,
- Quality Control Laboratory Management
- Sales and Marketing,
- Purchasing,
- Order Fulfillment,
Each process can be supported by other activities, such as tasks or sub-processes. Monitoring and control of top-level processes ensures effective implementation and control of all sub-tasks or sub-processes.Each top-level process has a process description that includes:
- Applicable inputs and outputs expected from these processes,
- Determine the sequence and interaction of these processes,
- Process owners responsible and authorized for these processes,
- Applicable risks and opportunities,
- Identifying critical and supportive resources of the processes,
- Criteria and methods used to ensure the effectiveness of the process,
- Determine and apply the criteria and methods (including monitoring, measurements and related performance indicators) needed to ensure the effective operation and control of these processes,
- Evaluate these processes and implement any changes needed to ensure that these processes achieve their intended results,
- Quality objectives related to the process
Process objectives have been developed considering the following:
- To be consistent with the quality policy,
- Being measurable,
- Consider current requirements,
- Being concerned with the suitability of products and services and increasing customer satisfaction,
- Being traceable,
- To be accessible,
- To be properly updated.
5.1. Leadership and Commitment |
5.1.1. General |
Loran Aerospace top management actively participated in the implementation of the Quality Management System (QMS). Our top management provides a vision and strategic direction for the growth of the QMS and establishes quality targets and quality policy.
Our top management holds the ultimate responsibility for the quality management system. Our top management is dedicated and committed to ensuring that our quality management system is effective, understood and improved. Our company's values, vision and mission commitments are our top management's biggest responsibility commitment for our QMS.
Top management includes the following members, and authorization letters are also available in the Loran ERP system.
- General Manager,
- Assistant Manager (Management Representative),
- Quality Control Manager,
- Customer Support and Procurement Manager
Loran Aerospace leadership approach describes how top management continues to lead and commit to the improving of the QMS. While the Loran leadership approach is implemented by top management, it covers the following issues:
- To be responsible for the effectiveness of the quality management system,
- To ensure that the Quality Policy and quality objectives for the management system are established and compatible with the strategic direction and context of Loran Aerospace,
- To ensures that our work environment is sufficient to achieve conformity and safety of our people, products and quality targets,
- Ensuring that the decisions taken at management review meetings are effectively implemented,
- To ensure the integration of management system requirements into other business processes as deemed appropriate,
- To raise awareness of the process approach,
- To ensure that the necessary resources are available for the management system,
- To Report the importance of effective quality management and compliance with management system requirements,
- To ensure that the management system achieves its intended results,
- To encourage, direct and support employees to contribute to the effectiveness of the management system,
- To promote continuous improvement,
- To support other relevant management roles to demonstrate their leadership as they apply to their areas of responsibility,
- To be held responsible for the effectiveness of the quality management system,
- To ensure that quality policy and quality targets are established for the quality management system and that Loran is compatible with its context and strategic direction,
- To ensure the integration of quality management system requirements into Loran's business processes,
- To encourage the use of process approach and risk-based thinking,
- To ensure that the necessary resources are available for the quality management system,
- To communicate the importance of effective quality management and compliance with quality management system requirements,
- To ensure that the quality management system achieves its intended results,
- To support employees to contribute to the effectiveness of the willing, guiding and quality management system,
- To promote development,
- To support other relevant management roles to demonstrate their leadership as they apply to their areas of responsibility.
5.1.2. Customer Focus |
Loran top management, to determine customer needs and expectations, transform them into QMS requirement and defined them as the Customer Focus Approach to increase customer satisfaction. Loran Aerospace carries out its customer relations and satisfaction process in accordance with the ISO 10002 Customer Satisfaction Standard.
Our top management demonstrates the leadership approach and commits to ensure that all applicable customer requirements are met, risks and opportunities are addressed, and the focus on customer satisfaction is maintained. Our top management carries out customer requirements through our QMS Plan, ERP Risk Register, Process Plans and Quality Policy.
Our top management takes the following topics into consideration when determining customer requirements:
- Customer and applicable legal and regulatory requirements are identified, understood and met consistently,
- Risks and opportunities that may affect the suitability of products and the ability to increase customer satisfaction are identified and addressed,
- Maintaining the aim of increasing customer satisfaction,
- If the planned results cannot be achieved, customer performance is evaluated,
- Focus on increasing customer satisfaction.
Loran has prepared a Customer Satisfaction Survey, which is open to all customers on its website, to measure and maintain customer satisfaction regularly. The results of this survey are collected in the Loran server database and evaluated at Management Review meetings or external meetings.
While Loran determines customer satisfaction based on the feedback it receives from its customers through the Customer Satisfaction Survey, Loran also scores itself on a project-by-project basis according to product suitability and on-time delivery criteria.
5.2. Policy |
5.2.1. Establishing Quality Policy |
Loran Aerospace Quality Policy is planned and implemented to provide a framework for setting quality goals by top management, and it is in line with Loran's purpose and context and supports its strategic direction.
Loran's Quality Policy includes a commitment to meeting applicable requirements and a continuous improvement commitment to the quality management system.
LORAN AEROSPACE QUALITY POLICY As Loran, we always put in the foreground:
ü The top-level requirement that directs our entire quality management system is our Quality Policy. ü Loran Quality Policy is reviewed at least twice a year during its management review meetings. |
5.2.2. Communicating the Quality Policy |
Loran provides all its personnel with access to the ERP system within the scope of their duties and authorities. There is an in-company communication channel open only to the Loran server through the ERP system.
- All personnel can access Loran company policy through the in-company training department,
- In-Service and QMS training are also part of the quality policy,
- To maintain high standards in our establishment, warning signs have been placed at important places throughout the facility,
- Job descriptions define the responsibilities and powers of each position in the organizational chart. Job descriptions and organization charts are reviewed and approved by top management in terms of qualifications,
- An organizational chart showing the mutual relationship of the staff in the organization has been created.
5.3. Organizational Roles, Responsibilities, and Authorities |
Loran Aerospace has adopted an organizational responsibility and delegation of authority approach as required by the company operation and quality system. Accordingly, Loran has been divided into departments and responsible persons have been assigned within each department. By transferring top management authority to the responsible persons, it has ensured that the operating processes of the company are carried out in a more comfortable and easier but disciplined manner.
While distributing duties and authorities, Loran's top management targets the following:
In addition, when QMS responsibilities and authorities are distributed within Loran, these assignments are made clearly and clearly to the relevant person and are kept regularly updated in the ERP system.
The following general QMS responsibilities and powers are assigned within Loran Aerospace as follows:
Ensuring that the management system complies with applicable standards |
Top Management |
Ensuring that processes deliver their intended output |
Current process officers |
Reporting the performance of the management system and providing opportunities for improvement of the management system |
Quality Assurance Manager |
Promoting customer orientation throughout Loran |
Top Management |
Ensuring that the integrity of the management system is maintained when changes are planned and implemented |
Top Management |